Free stuff from FNB: Win Humphrey Bogart gangster films set

RA Kerr won the reader-giveaway prize for June/July: the Warner Home Video/Turner Classic Movies Greatest Classic Legends: Humphrey Bogart set, which contains “They Drive by Night” and three other titles.

In August, I am giving away the WHV/TCM Greatest Gangster Films: Humphrey Bogart set, featuring “High Sierra,” “The Petrified Forest,” “The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse” and “All Through the Night.” I will run a review of “High Sierra” in August. The set is listed at $28. Here’s more info on the gangster movies.

To enter this month’s giveaway, for the Bogart gangster films set, just leave a comment on any FNB post from Aug. 1-31. We welcome comments, but please remember that, for the purposes of the giveaway, there is one entry per person, not per comment.

The August winner will be randomly selected at the end of the month and announced in early September. Include your email address in your comment so that I can notify you if you win. Your email will not be shared. Good luck!
