Free stuff: Win Criterion Jean Vigo set and CIFF T-shirt

Tomorrow is the 77th anniversary of French filmmaker Jean Vigo’s death, at age 29. As part of the poetic realist movement of the 1930s, Vigo influenced both film noir and the French New Wave. The winner of October’s reader giveaway will receive a copy of Criterion’s new DVD release of The Complete Jean Vigo.

(The winner of the September reader giveaway is Ashley B., congrats to her and thanks to all who entered!)

This set includes all of Vigo’s titles, described by Criterion as follows: “À propos de Nice,” an absurdist, rhythmic slice of life from the bustling coastal city; “Taris,” an inventive short portrait of a swimming champion; “Zéro de conduite,” a radical, delightful tale of boarding-school rebellion that has influenced countless filmmakers; and “L’Atalante,” widely regarded as one of cinema’s finest achievements, about newlyweds beginning their life together on a canal barge. These are the witty, visually adventurous works of a pivotal film artist.

You can see a clip and learn about the special features here.

The winner will also receive a T-shirt from the Chicago International Film Fest, which runs Oct. 6-20.

To enter the October giveaway, just leave a comment on any FNB post from Oct. 1-31. The winner will be randomly selected at the end of the month and announced in early November. Include your email address in your comment so that I can notify you if you win. Your email will not be shared. Good luck!
