Happy New Year, y’all! Your January horoscope is here

Nicolas Cage

Tippi Hedren

Fate reigns supreme in film noir, but that doesn’t mean we don’t love us some zodiac fun. Hope your January is full of realistic resolutions, staggering (as in 75% off) sales and sexy snow men. And happy birthday, Capricorn and Aquarius! A special shout-out to Caps Nicolas Cage (Jan. 7), Faye Dunaway and Larry Kasdan (both Jan. 14), Kate Moss (Jan. 16), Tippi Hedren (Jan. 19), Diane Lane (Jan. 22), Heather Graham (Jan. 29) and, sharing Jan. 30, Christian Bale and Gene Hackman.

Capricorn (December 23-January 20): Aah, the newness of 2012! Clean slates and fresh joy await you this month. It’s also a great time for a new look so open your closet and unleash your formidable organizational power. Edit away, then take advantage of the sales. While shopping, be open to taking risks. A bold yellow or green or orange can be a great neutral. Work heats up but you are more than up to any extra challenges. Don’t rush romance, better to let it simmer than boil over too quickly. Follow your intuition on the 14th.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19): It’s your birthday – what better reason to celebrate? Your January social calendar will be packed. Enjoy being showered with love and affection this month. All the attention might inspire you to engineer a fun surprise for a pal who needs a pick-me-up (and alas has tried online dating). You will have much to juggle so plan ahead and make the extra effort to attain balance. Ain’t nothing wrong with some downtime, don’t forget. What first appears to be a casual get-together toward the end of the month may in fact be a date with destiny.

Pisces (February 20-March 20): Even if you don’t work in a creative field, pay attention to your artistic side and find little ways to mix up and freshen your routine. This will yield a payoff in renewed energy. Timing truly counts this month, but accept that you cannot dictate a schedule. Trust that you will take a significant step forward when you are ready. If single, make a plan to talk to three new people a week; for example, you could strike up a scintillating convo on celery with a handsome fellow shopper in the grocery store. If attached, make a fuss over your mate for no particular reason.

Winston Churchill

Aries (March 21-April 20): For your New Year’s resolution, take a leaf out of Sir Winston Churchill’s book. At the end of the day, take a long hot bath (not sure if Winston favored bubbles but why not make it luxurious and lovely, as befits a femme fatale?), close your eyes and say, “Bugger everyone.” Overthinking things is not a good use of your brain power – so learn to switch off and shut down. If you feel stuck at work, reach out to people and set up some informational interviews or networking lunches. Gathering info will empower you.

Taurus (April 21-May 21): A bit blue after the excitement of the holidays? Happens to the best of us. Never discount the mighty power of retail therapy! If you fret that you have “nowhere to wear” those dashing and wildly impractical stilettos, brandish your calendar and cell phone, and start making some plans! Meanwhile, a big change – a move to a new city or a surprise offer perhaps – might be around the corner. If you are having trouble making a decision, let yourself dither as you hash out pros and cons, but set a deadline for making up your mind and stick to it.

Gemini (May 22-June 21): Your New Year’s resolution: Spoil yourself rotten. Been there, done that? Well, then you should resolve to take more naps. So often you play against noir type and let your kind, caring, sensitive side come to the fore. Hmmm, how’s that working for you? Just make sure you get what you need. By month’s end, you may want to issue an ultimatum; be sure you are comfortable with various outcomes before putting your cards on the table. Flirt like there’s no tomorrow the weekend of the 28th.

Cancer (June 22-July 23): Appreciating the present moment is easier said than done, but don’t let that stop you from trying. If you are befuddled by technology and long for the days when you could call the telephone company and speak to an operator, resolve that you can learn anything you set your mind to and now is a good time to add more skills to your resume. Meanwhile, a frenemy faces a minor humiliation. As supremely satisfying as this is, try not to gloat too much – someone may notice. Your dry sense of humor comes in handy on the 18th.

Leo (July 24-August 23): “Bracelets may be worn over long gloves (except, of course, at the dinner table) but rings should never be worn outside a glove,” says Vogue’s Book of Etiquette, 1948. Don’t have long gloves? It’s high time to find some! Just because the holidays are over doesn’t mean you will face any shortage of elegant events and soirees. Meanwhile, you may be asked to make a creative contribution to a venture. Though you may balk at first, your efforts will likely win you attention. On the romance front, prepare to be wined and dined, wooed and wowed.

Virgo (August 24-September 23): They say living well is the best revenge but then maybe “they” weren’t very good at cooking up clever plots. You may have to choose this month whether to activate a just-desserts plan or take the high ground. Be wary though: activating a plan smacks of effort and expending energy –uggh! It’s probably best to find a comfy sofa, grab a good book and lounge on the high ground. A conversation midmonth baffles you; suspend judgment on the matter discussed until you have all the facts. Don’t take life too seriously on the 24th.

Libra (September 24-October 23): You may be waiting for a decision or a green light on a major project. Don’t bother with patience, it may be a virtue but it’s vastly overrated. Instead, take the time to focus on something significant such as what color looks best on your toe nails. Treat yourself to some beauty indulgences or a few new clothes and make sure you look good. When the decision finally comes through, you’ll be swept up in new activity or may need to brainstorm some fresh ways forward. Honor your inner gold-digger on the 7th.

Bette Davis

Scorpio (October 24- November 22): Bette Davis once remarked, “If everyone likes you, you’re doing your job wrong.” Bear this mind if any people-pleasing tendencies get in the way of your ambition. If a colleague or acquaintance asks to pick your brain, tossing some ideas around is fine. But be aware that if you don’t set boundaries, you may end up taking on a load of extra work. Even if your party schedule is sparse, make an effort to look pretty and polished – get out your hot rollers and give yourself some ’40s-style loose waves, perhaps. Be mysterious with your men, dole out clues sparingly and passion will find you.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 22): Demanding divas are the stuff dreams are made of. In reality, however, declaring what you want can be a tad more challenging. Asking for someone’s help does not compromise your independence or tarnish your flawless image. If you meet with repeated resistance or outright refusal, figure out your timeline for moving on to a more rewarding situation; you deserve the best. A cold winter weekend is a super time for you and your current love interest to curl up and create your own at-home film fest. Popcorn anyone?
