Honey, your horoscope is here …

Ava Gardner

Fate reigns supreme in film noir, but that doesn’t mean we don’t love us some zodiac fun. Hope your December is full of killer outfits, swank soirees and more expensive presents than you know what to do with. And happy birthday, Sagittarius and Capricorn! A special shout-out to Sag sirens Julianne Moore (Dec. 3), Kim Basinger (Dec. 8),  Julie Delpy (Dec. 21) and Vanessa Paradis (Dec. 22); and smoldering Caps, the late Ava Gardner (Dec. 24), Sienna Miller (Dec. 28) and Marianne Faithfull (Dec. 29).

Sagittarius (November 23-December 22): Work might be a source of irritation this month, especially if you have multiple birthday parties to grace with your presence. The next time you see your least-fave colleagues, imagine taking a cue from fellow Sag Keith Richards (Dec. 18) and telling them: “It’s great to see you all. It’s great to see anybody.” Of course only Keith himself really pulls this off, but at least you’ll be thinking of someone infinitely more amusing than the cube-farm folks. Don’t worry if you’re not best friends with your entire work gang. It’s better to be professional than popular. Besides you’ll need extra energy for life outside the office. Be rendezvous-ready at the drop of a hat; it might just start raining men.

Capricorn (December 23-January 20): Burning the candle at both ends looks likely. Another day, another party. To pace yourself, remember that you should always leave a party wanting one more drink. If the travel bug bites, start planning an exotic trip for next year. Doesn’t Sydney sound fun? Or somewhere closer and cozy. At work, you will find an elegant solution to an awkward problem. This month, toss your guy a few extra compliments; I have yet to meet the man who dislikes praise. If single, toss a new guy a compliment; I have yet to meet the man who dislikes praise.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19): According to Vogue’s Book of Etiquette, 1948, which provides advice on tipping cigarette girls in nightclubs (10-15 cents), traveling in a Pullman car, and saying good evening at a dance, the word escort “should not be used instead of “The man I was dining with” or, “The man who had taken me to the theater.” While this little tidbit will more than likely land in your mental file on useless information, try this month to resist putting labels on any budding relationships. Keep things a bit mysterious and you will be rewarded by magic. Stand your ground on the 30th.

Pisces (February 20-March 20): You might be swamped with a new creative project and feeling a bit under the gun. First, ask yourself if that gun could be of any practical use on the project. A tad extreme? Well, then you must trust that your imaginative and resourceful self has what it takes to get this scheme up and running. Aim high but be realistic – this venture will evolve and improve over time. Don’t forget to take breaks and reward yourself for reaching milestones. On the 13th you will find extra inspiration.

Aries (March 21-April 20): There is a French proverb that says, “Fortune is a woman; if you neglect her today, do not expect to regain her tomorrow.” In other words, find time to nurture your nest egg, even if it feels like a chore. With your smarts, strength and sass, you can master any topic. Toward the end of the month, you may receive a flurry of compliments so when someone tells you for 697th time that you’re amazing, do try not to yawn. The 14th is a great day to be spontaneous.

Taurus (April 21-May 21): Are you being pressured to commit? Think it over carefully; there’s nothing quite as satisfying as freedom. Helping a friend draft a communiqué to a recent ex brings you unexpected clarity re: a pattern that is common in your own relationships. Your knack for choosing stunning accessories triggers a delicious flirtation on the 16th. If you feel the urge to offer advice to a close friend or family member, proceed with caution – it may be better to listen than to provide counsel.

Gemini (May 22-June 21): Appreciate life’s simple pleasures – a flawless manicure, a dress on sale, an alibi that sticks. Make the most of every day and treat yourself to something fabulous for a holiday party. And consider hosting a vintage cocktail party yourself, you theme-party queen, you. True, it would be nice to dust a bit and polish the silver but, let’s face it, you’ll enjoy the party even more if you prepare by sleeping in late, having breakfast in bed and getting a massage and a pedicure.

Cancer (June 22-July 23): There is a worry that has been gnawing at you for far too long. A femme fatale must acknowledge her fear (we all have them) and learn to let go. Otherwise it will paralyze you and then how would you zip your zipper and fasten your ankle straps? Scoff at crazy risks, of course, but believe that you can face and figure out whatever life throws at you. Aah, feels good, no? Meanwhile, don’t take sides in a family dispute. Be prepared to keep a secret, even though there may be pressure to spill, on the 23rd.

Leo (July 24-August 23): Possibility abounds now and in the new year. Don’t concern yourself with what’s realistic, feasible or practical. There will be plenty of time for thorough scrutiny later on but, at this juncture, dream big and think boldly. It will come together one piece at a time. On the romantic front, you may be tempted by a coy boy; enjoy the dalliance without rushing into anything. If attached, celebrate your passion, hell, get creative. And, whether single or involved, be sure to attend holiday gatherings. You, lovely lioness, are a social creature who shines at parties.

Virgo (August 24-September 23): Why does everyone say “high maintenance” like it’s a bad thing? Yes, Virgo, you obsess over details and want everything to be perfect, but that’s what makes you you. Don’t lower your lofty standards but remember to cut yourself and others some slack now and then. You rarely act on a whim (except when shoes, jeans, boots, sweaters, purses, scarves, bracelets, fur vests, little black dresses and anything from Anne Fontaine are involved) preferring instead to do your homework and make informed decisions. Flighty hares may envy your tortoise-wins-the-race approach. Let them.

Libra (September 24-October 23): Wily and willowy, Libra values beauty and elegance. Diligent portion control followed by triumphant shopping these last few weeks have been well worth the effort. You are being noticed even more than usual so try to be fair and carve out a little time for the slew of people wanting to socialize. That said, it’s a woman’s prerogative to change her mind. Remember that mid-month when you feel bound to do something simply because of a crossed conversational wire.

Scorpio (October 24- November 22): Fierce and formidable 99 percent of the time, explore what it would be like to be vulnerable. Not so good? OK, well, you tried. The point is: be open-minded this month while still being true to your inner-bitch-on-wheels. Why not mix it up ’40s style – write a real letter, a la paper and pen, and snail mail it, order some black coffee and a slice of pie in a diner, flirt shamelessly, dress for dinner. The 19th is a day to return a wicked favor.

Trivia: In “Sunset Boulevard” Norma Desmond (Gloria Swanson) likes Sagittarians. True or False.

True. She asks Joe Gillis (William Holden) what sign he is when deciding whether to hire him to edit her script, among other duties.
