Honey, your July horoscope is here …

Eva Marie Saint

Hilary Swank

Fate reigns supreme in film noir, but that doesn’t mean we don’t love us some zodiac fun. Hope your July is full of sizzling romance and risqué adventures. And happy birthday, Cancer and Leo!

A special shout-out and remembrances to captivating Cancers James M. Cain and Farley Granger (July 1), Eva Marie Saint (July 4), Janet Leigh (July 6), Anjelica Huston (July 8) and Barbara Stanwyck (July 16), and trend-setting Leos Helen Mirren, Sandra Bullock and Stanley Kubrick (July 26), Jackie Kennedy Onassis (July 28) and Hilary Swank (July 30).

Cancer (June 22-July 23): A friend or relative launches a monthlong complain-a-thon, but damn if you didn’t forget which channel it’s on. Oh well, guess you’ll just miss all the woe-is-me excitement. Don’t feel guilty about cutting back the time you spend with closet negheads – you know the ones. Just politely decline when they try to lure you in. Meanwhile, take a spontaneous road trip or wear that daring dress you bought. Summer is the perfect time to mix it up and turn a few heads. Be prepared for lots of attention from the opposite sex the week of 14th.

Leo (July 24-August 23): “Money’s only something you need in case you don’t die tomorrow,” says Martin Sheen’s character in “Wall Street.” This month, the less you think about cash, the easier it will flow. Your imagination and prowess for problem solving come into the spotlight (me in the spotlight again? oh, all right …) as you easily piece together the pieces to a puzzle at work. Let yourself be playful in relationships. Your inner calm averts a crisis on the 24th. If you need to take the lead planning your b’day bash, so be it. Make it an event to remember!

Virgo (August 24-September 23): Virgos are organized, analytical and logical, but that doesn’t mean their penthouses are always as neat as a pin. They know that too many domestic chores can be a waste of time. In other words, life is short, why dust? Consider this quote from the incomparable Lauren Bacall, who was born Sept. 16, 1924: “I remember my oldest son, Steve, saying to me once, ‘I don’t ever remember seeing you with an apron on.’ And I thought, ‘That’s right, honey, you did not.’ ” Deal with it, dahling! Let that be your motto this month as you relish summer pleasures and set your apron aside. Romance will find you on the 9th and 22nd.

Libra (September 24-October 23): Eager to start a new career chapter? Network like crazy, but remember that sophisticated networking is about really connecting and contributing, not just calling in favors or asking for leads. In Vogue’s Book of Etiquette, 1948, you’ll find this handy advice: “If asked why one left a previous job, frankness is the best unless an explanation would involve a loss of proper reticence; for example, “I enjoyed the work, but I wanted a better job,” but not, “I had to leave because I wanted to go west to get a divorce.” Hmm, somehow, “Go west, get a divorce” strikes me an ideal title for a little tome on wicked women and complicated romance. 😉

Scorpio (October 24-November 22): Your independent streak shows itself prominently this month. It’s a wonderful quality and key to your success but find time to socialize – it will refuel your energy. As your love life picks up, your days and especially your nights will be downright magical. Relish the attention and have fun being a vamp; don’t rush into any serious conversations. Be sure to look the part of a seductress – sky-high heels perhaps? On a business matter, ask as many questions as you need to around the 19th.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 22): Drama is divine, but is always best in small doses. If you’re a bit bored in a relationship, remember that an even keel is usually better than fireworks and fights, which tend to be more exhausting than exhilarating after a while. Enjoy the peace! On the other hand, if you’re the placid one and Man du Jour has a need to create drama just to feel normal, evaluate whether you want that in the long term. Meanwhile, your talents are recognized at work and your expertise is much in demand.

Capricorn (December 23-January 20): You’ll experience a feeling of freedom and joy this month, perhaps just from feeling grateful for the little things like fire-engine red nail polish and fish-net stockings. And be extra thankful for your beautiful, one-of-a-kind body – it was designed to be loved and cherished! Respond to what the moment requires and creativity will flow. Don’t give in to an ounce of guilt if taking a vacation or staycation. On the 18th, make sure your man knows you’re crazy about him.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19): Resist the urge to put things on your own timetable. Both at work and at play, deals and relationships evolve at their own pace, which may yield surprise benefits. So, just relax and trust that things will work out fine, maybe even better than you expected. Meanwhile, give in to cravings and don’t feel guilty about splurging on expensive gifts for yourself, a friend or promising fall guy. Ain’t nothing wrong with a bit of bribery now and then. Throw caution to the wind on the 23rd. 😉

Pisces (February 20-March 20): Absence does indeed make the heart grow fonder so tap your inner ice-princess and don’t always be available for that tall, dark and handsome guy. Unless of course he’s tall, dark, handsome and filthy rich. In that case, you can be available at a moment’s notice, especially if he likes to go shopping and insists on taking you to fabulous restaurants. Don’t sweat the details on the weekend of the 15th.

Aries (March 21-April 20): For decisive Aries, it’s tempting to tell a dithering friend what to do – take the money and run, for example. But if you’re too involved now, you may find yourself acting as a referee or therapist later on. It’s a challenge, but try to merely listen and observe. In a romantic relationship, ask yourself, “What would Joan Crawford do?” Then you should probably do the opposite; but the point is to pause – don’t act on impulse. A sexy surprise awaits you on the 31st.

Taurus (April 21-May 21): Change is in the air and that’s a good thing. Having made a major decision, you are now on the path to new opportunities and an exciting phase of your life. If you encounter any snags, realize that bumps in the road are inevitable and keep on going. Ask for help if you need it – from time to time, even the craftiest femme fatale needs help hauling loot or bouncing ideas around. Even though you’re busy, make time to reward yourself with your favorite guilty pleasures. Patience prevails on the 12th; stand your ground on the 16th.

Gemini (May 22-June 21): Is there a downside to dating younger men? Well, let’s see, compared with old dudes, they have more energy, nicer attitudes, crisper jokes, less baggage and sweeter dispositions. Oh, and way better (paunch-free) bodies. Nope, no downside there.  Go on, enjoy your boy! Meanwhile, work projects proliferate, with one door after another opening and offering fulfillment. Your unique skills are in demand and clients are easy to please. A prediction you made several months ago comes true on the 10th.

Hilary Swank photo by Armando Gallo/Retna
