Honey, your June horoscope is here …

Marilyn Monroe

Susan Hayward

Fate reigns supreme in film noir, but that doesn’t mean we don’t love us some zodiac fun. Hope your June is full of brides wearing black and plenty of men with beachworthy bodies. And happy birthday, Gemini and Cancer! A special shout-out and remembrances to Gemini A-listers Marilyn Monroe (June 1), Tony Curtis (June 3), Angelina Jolie (June 4), Isabella Rossellini and Roger Ebert (June 18), Kathleen Turner (June 19), and Cancer treasures Billy Wilder (June 22), Frances McDormand (June 23), John Cusack (June 28) and Susan Hayward (June 30).

Gemini (May 22-June 21): This month, when you get that let’s-put-on-a-show! feeling, go with the urge. No experience, no cash, no contacts? No problem! See where enthusiasm and can-do energy will take you. Even if it doesn’t take you all the way, you will be generating exciting ideas and forging new paths. Man du Jour will make this a summer to remember; cut him some slack if he forgets to chill the champagne or shows up with a mere dozen roses. Keep him sweet – you may need him to work the curtain. 😉

Cancer (June 22-July 23): “Didn’t we just have this conversation?” you might find yourself saying, your typically dulcet tone poised to become an impatient snarl. In other words, there could be a few minor communication snags that try your patience and leave you flummoxed. Wait, I take that back. Flummoxed? I think not. Self-possessed and supremely confident, you can handle anything that comes your way. This month, try to dole out a bit of patience for those less capable than you. Be extra flexible the weekend of the 16th.

Leo (July 24-August 23): As you start a new chapter, excitement and opportunity fill the page. At the same time you may be pulled in many directions at once, needing to attend to a number of practical details for the initial setup. Typically, your attention goes to the big picture so be prepared to address a few small but key concerns. (After all, there’s more to planning a getaway than choosing the right sedan.) You will experience remarkable clarity in judgment the week of the 20th. On the romantic front, let things unfold at their own pace; timetables are such a yawn.

Virgo (August 24-September 23): According to Vogue’s Book of Etiquette, 1948: “Breakfast in bed is not, as the movies would have us believe, exclusively a super-luxurious pleasure of the pampered. For certain temperaments it is almost a necessity.” Well put. This summer, strive to pamper yourself like never before. Note, however, that this does not require dropping lots of cash. Sleeping in, at-home pedicures, declining a night on the town for a cozy curl-up with a book will cost you nothing. In relationships, you may need to strike a balance between choosing your battles and bringing up issues before they become resentments. You can do it. Follow an impulse on the 8th.

Libra (September 24-October 23): You may be on the cusp of a new adventure but that may call for a decision. Do your homework, chat with friends and, above all, trust your gut. Be open to change and going in a new direction. If you tend to be critical of yourself, remember that internal chatter, whether negative or positive, is not likely to get you anywhere. Try not to fixate on the past or the future – appreciate and enjoy all that you have right now – this moment won’t come again. Then, treat yourself to a cupcake or a glass or champagne; if not now, when?

Scorpio (October 24-November 22): Confidence and clout will be yours in spades this month because you speak your mind so eloquently. As a result, you will feel a bit like a magician. This in turn may inspire you to rock a new look, which you will carry off flawlessly. Because Scorpio has a flair for taking calculated, clever risks (fashion and otherwise) she could never be boring. Share your zest for living by throwing a few parties this summer. Taking a vacation this month? Be sure to leave work behind.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 22): “It wasn’t the way I looked at a man, it was the thought behind it,” said the one and only Gloria Grahame (Nov. 28, 1923 – Oct. 5, 1981). Grahame starred in film-noir classics such as “The Big Heat” and “In a Lonely Place” to name a few. Realize, as she did, that you can gain tremendous power with the right mindset. At the same time, however, be sure to balance mind, body and soul; the mind is just a small part of who we are and not the most important. You may be behind in your social correspondence. Don’t dally in returning calls and emails; your fans just might go on the warpath if they don’t hear from you soon.

Capricorn (December 23-January 20): Though you usually like things to be clear-cut, challenge yourself to dwell in the gray zone for a bit. You might find that in ambiguity is not only mystery but inspiration, especially if you accept that you don’t have all the answers. Yet. Your extra effort on a work project earns you recognition. Accept any and all compliments graciously. Well, duh. 😉 Try adding some spice to your love life by cooking dinner together or planning a weekend getaway. You may get an intriguing offer around the 10th.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19): People are drawn to your sense of adventure and love of life. Yet you may feel that your sunny side is the only one you can show. Trust that you can be fed up or down in the dumps and still be loved. There may be a financial or personal-admin task you are putting off. As a femme fatale who can easily fend for herself, tackle this pronto! Then work out or do yoga. It’s amazing how once you cross a few chores off your to-do list, your feeling of accomplishment counteracts a blue mood. Then do something truly significant and meaningful: buy yourself a signature summer scent, perhaps Jimmy Choo pour vous?

Pisces (February 20-March 20): Romance is in the air this month. First, the obvious: If single, you will experience a lovely feast of suitors. Count on your time-management skills to juggle your calendar of candlelit dinners. If attached, you will enter a phase of unprecedented closeness and intense adoration. And the less obvious: your work or a puzzle you’ve been piecing together will benefit from a chance encounter that sparks your creative energy. Give logic a day off, it tends to be overrated. Be the bigger person on the 13th.

Aries (March 21-April 20): What seems like a sacrifice at first turns out to be a liberating experience. Hang in there; by the month’s end, you will reap benefits. If you are looking for a new job, remember that the job title you want does not have to be on your resume right now. In other words, don’t rule out an opportunity because you’ve never done that exact job. If you have relevant skills and experience, you can make the leap to the next level – that’s the idea of climbing the ladder, after all. Fill the week of the 27th with fun surprises.

Taurus (April 21-May 21): You may feel stressed because you are torn in two about a person who seems highly skilled at taking and less gifted at giving back. Is it worth riding it out? Perhaps jotting a few things down would help. It needn’t be a tit-for-tat comparison – maybe this person cracks jokes just for you or, better yet, he/she is terrific at cracking safes. If you decide you still want him/her around, express your frustration. Few people have the ability to read minds. Be spontaneous on the 4th.

Marilyn Monroe image by Ben Ross; copyright Ben Ross.
