Honey, your May horoscope is here …

Cate Blanchett

Pam Grier

Fate reigns supreme in film noir, but that doesn’t mean we don’t love us some zodiac fun. Hope your May is full of lovely weather and luxurious living. And happy birthday, Taurus and Gemini! A special shout-out and remembrances to Taurus icons George Clooney (May 6), David O. Selznick (May 10), Harvey Keitel (May 13), Cate Blanchett (May 14), Joseph Cotten (May 15), Debra Winger and Megan Fox (May 16), and James Stewart (May 20). Gemini charmers we love include Pam Grier (May 26), Vincent Price (May 27) and Annette Bening (May 29).

Taurus (April 21-May 21): Your life will be touched by decadent delight and a few sinful surprises (calories be damned!)  this month. Appreciate it and have fun. At the same time, make sure you take a moment to look at the bigger picture and see an opportunity, even a dream, that beckons on the horizon. To be open to it, be in the moment and don’t listen to any fearful or negative internal chatter. Abandon old worries, especially about appearance because you look fantastic, and don’t waste mental energy on second-guessing yourself. Oh and btw, romance awaits you, so make sure you have that smoldering gaze and sexy smile down. 😉

Gemini (May 22-June 21): Communication prodigy that you are, you will see a sleek solution to a sticky problem with friends, family or your adoring fans. Hint: It may be that a more-the-merrier approach trumps exclusivity when it comes to a trip or gathering this month. At work, however, the opposite may hold true and decision-making by committee will impede progress so step up and call it as you see it. On the romantic front, you have issued a meeting request to the Universe so sit back and relax or better yet get up and go shopping while scheduling details are being finalized. You will look and feel like a million bucks this month so don’t forget to flirt. As if!

Cancer (June 22-July 23): “The modern tendency to accept, with no intention of returning, an invitation which sounds amusing, is a form of opportunism which, though practiced, is still very much criticized,” says Vogue’s Book of Etiquette, 1948. You’d be hard-pressed to find a Cancer gal who isn’t conscientious about reciprocating invitations and throwing terrific parties. Your hostess skills (planning, imagination, organization, charm) may be needed in a new context this month; perhaps a red-carpet event that needs to be pulled together at the last minute. Just throw on some teetering ankle straps and a dazzling choker, and you’ll have it under control in no time. Reward yourself on the 21st.

Leo (July 24-August 23): While you possess an unusual balance of strength and sensitivity in your character, often the former defines your style of communication. In other words, you are full-on and fiery when it comes to speaking your mind. This is a wonderful trait but this month it may behoove you to try a slightly different approach. Experiment with the power of letting go. Let there be peaceful pauses when you chat with people; don’t feel the need to fill the conversation lulls. Allow your sensitivity to guide you and listen. You may be surprised at the
enlightenment you gain. Your sense of humor brings a surprise benefit on the 14th.

Virgo (August 24-September 23): May is the perfect time for a bit of spring cleaning, both literally and figuratively. Your elegant brain thrives in an orderly, clutter-free zone. As for your relationships, if attached, there may be some buried issues that need to be aired. Start on a positive note and avoid citing a comprehensive list of examples. You are trying to communicate, not build a case. If single, it may dawn on you that your slew of male friends may be keeping you single. Of course, you cherish the Marilyn Monroe/Frank Sinatra vibe you have with them, but hanging with them all the time means you are less likely to put yourself out there and seek serious romance. Just saying.

Libra (September 24-October 23): It isn’t always easy to live the life of an artist or free-thinker, what with defying convention and bucking trends, and you may find yourself in need of new inspiration this month. Instead of struggling to find it; turn your brain off and rest. Fresh ideas will then find you. In other words, don’t try too hard. Just trust. As for amour, let your inner vixen be your guide. It’s springtime and, whether you’re in Paris or Peoria, it’s high time for romance. On the 30th, be extra nice to yourself.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22): A person from your past claims to have done a lot of thinkin’, changin’ and growin’. This is, of course, eminently possible. If you are curious and are still spending a lot of time pondering this person, it may be worth exploring your mutual feelings and examining old issues. (And need I remind you? Bright red lipstick is a must for a meetup.) But speaking of red, proceed with caution and pay attention to red flags. Then, whichever way you move forward, you will be clear and focused, not stuck in the past. An inspired idea of yours pays off at your workplace. Don’t let jealousy cloud your vision on the 16th.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 22): Consider how you may sharpen your skills of judgment – not simply knee-jerk approvals or quick condemnations – but bringing calmness, clarity and resolve to your assessments. Then trust that as a fire sign, you will blaze ahead with intelligence and originality. If, on the other hand, a decision about you is likely to be made, trust that the outcome will in some way lead you to the path you need to be on. Meanwhile, go out of your way to be nice to Man du Jour; you’ll be glad you did. Be spontaneous around the 25th.

Capricorn (December 23-January 20): You may be on the fence about attending an event or going to an appointment or interview because it will require a few extra steps on your part to make it. While additional effort for a femme fatale is usually best spent on the important things – false-eyelash application, fake tans and finding the perfect cocktail ring – in this case, it’s worth making an exception and going the extra mile. Thinking about a career change? Before you decide against something on the basis of practicality, consider whether it stirs your soul.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19): This month, consider this quotation from Colette, the French novelist, sexual adventurer and Aquarian, born Jan. 28, 1873: “I love my past. I love my present. I’m not ashamed of what I’ve had and I’m not sad because I have it no longer.” Enjoy small moments and simple pleasures. You may be at a romantic impasse; if so, divert your energy and help a friend with a project – perhaps a chum needs assistance in crafting a scheme. With little effort, new and exciting work opportunities seem to fall in your lap. Around the 24th let go of a long-held expectation and make room for fresh joy.

Pisces (February 20-March 20): If you miss a deadline or make a mistake, don’t be too hard on yourself. Correct what you can and realize that by inadvertently moving in a new direction or revising your timing, you may gain benefits and advantages that you hadn’t had access to before. Avoid any tendency to take things, especially conversations, too literally. If you’ve planned a vaca this month, do not take work with you. That defeats the whole purpose and you will return feeling drained instead of rejuvenated. Remember to say what you mean and mean what you say, especially around the 6th and 7th.

Aries (March 21-April 20): If someone fails to live up to your sky-high standards, don’t let it get under your skin; just find someone else for your next heist or detail-heavy project. Indeed, flexibility will be key this month. You may also be at the end of a certain chapter in your life. While this could be tinged with sadness, it is also the beginning of a new and richer chapter. Be open to change (it is inevitable after all) and your creativity will flow. Your commanding presence brings welcome attention your way, especially midmonth. The 12th is a good time for a little dare.
