Honey, your November horoscope is here …

Veronica Lake

Jodie Foster

Fate reigns supreme in film noir, but that doesn’t mean we don’t love us some zodiac fun. Hope your November is full of smooth travel and tremendous turkey. And happy birthday, Scorpio and Sag! A special shout-out and remembrances to smokin’ Scorpios Tilda Swinton (Nov. 5), Leonardo Di Caprio (Nov. 11), Ryan Gosling and Grace Kelly (both Nov. 12), Veronica Lake (Nov. 14), Martin Scorsese (Nov. 17), Jodie Foster (Nov. 19) and Scarlett Johansson (Nov. 22) and stunning Sagittarians Gloria Grahame (Nov. 28) and Diane Ladd (Nov. 29).

Scorpio (October 24-November 22): It’s so good to be you this month as things fall into place in a number of areas. You ace your work projects with nary a long night, you may have a lovely cushion of cash from scaling back this summer, you’re the toast of the town socially. Again? Well, so be it, there is just something inherently wonderful about you. As men fall under your spell, try to be fair with your attention and be sure to make time for sleep and exercise.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 22): Claim your power, b’day girl! Or get ready to. 😉 This looks set to be a stellar month full of glitz and glamour so make the most of it. Take the lead on a work project, you will shine. Take the chance to be romantic, you will glow. Midmonth, a friend seeks advice on a thorny issue that may take you aback at first. You will find a way to provide counsel with empathy and wit, as usual. On the 17th, don’t make a decision until you have analyzed all factors.

Capricorn (December 23-January 20): Take a retro approach to financial management and save, save, save. Get with your French press and brown-bag it three days a week, and you will accrue extra dollars. If you are having a rocky road at work, document everything. If you later need to defend yourself or point out that a treacherous nincompoop “borrowed” your idea, you’ll be glad you have a written record of your efforts. Also, keep communication open with your boss, always being positive and to the point. Re: romance, sexy is as sexy does on the 12th.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19): Don’t romanticize a situation that recently went South – those red flags were blazing crimson, doll, and you were right to move on. You often see things others miss, after all. At work, though you’re already crazy busy, a colleague needs to lean on you. Let him, especially if he’s tall, dark and handsome. Be grateful all month long for the important things in life – champagne, lip gloss, pedicures, massages – what would we do without them? The 16th and 28th are lucky.

Pisces (February 20-March 20): Claim your power and relish every victory no matter how small. By chance, you may hear a secret or sensitive information that may not have been intended for you. Be discreet and don’t pass it on. But you knew that, no? How else to explain the staggering number of folks who count you as a dear friend and trusted confidante. Treat yourself to a new accessory or beauty product, a cuff bracelet say, or some nail polish as shiny red as Santa’s suit. Prepare yourself for much attention and some fun flirtation.

Aries (March 21-April 20): The holidays are around the corner. Does that mean shopping for everyone on your list, cooking for 20 and making small talk with deadly dull relatives? Hell no, it means shopping for a new LBD, a bubble bath before dinner cooked by someone else and going to the movies. To make that happen, get some help from a personal shopper, chef or sitter – whatever it takes for you to feel like a pampered femme fatale. At work, do your homework, then dare to solve a problem with an unconventional approach.

Taurus (April 21-May 21): You may be toying with a new mini-adventure – writing your memoirs, asking the milk man if he’s single, wearing flats. What seems to be a random conversation early in the month could in fact be the planting of seeds for a big breakthrough down the road. If you are traveling for the holiday, remember there is much that’s out of your control. If you’re not traveling for the holiday, remember there is much that’s out of your control.

Michelle Williams and Dougray Scott star in "My Week With Marilyn."

Gemini (May 22-June 21): “My Week With Marilyn,” a chronicle of the Gemini superstar’s time in England filming “The Prince and the Showgirl,” comes out this month. See it and look to the 1950s for style inspiration – feminine silhouettes, elegant accessories. Or, better yet, tap your inner showgirl and really give ’em something to talk about at Thanksgiving dinner. At the same time, don’t let your mind dwell in your recent past. In the present moment, everything is perfectly platinum. The 11th and 26th are nights for romance.

Cancer (June 22-July 23): If you’ve put your love life on the back burner lately, now is a good time to bring it to a full boil. Your ravishing looks and rapier-sharp wit will be much adored. Polite persistence pays off at work as others come around to your way of seeing. Midmonth, a smart investment you made earlier this year pays off. Don’t let a Debbie Downer colleague or acquaintance suck into the dark side, unless of course it involves a big cash payoff.

Leo (July 24-August 23): Concentrate on being calm so that you can follow your intuition; ideas will come to you if you let them. One of these might be a daring plan to court new business or open a new stream of revenue. The ah-ha mo will likely hit you out of the blue when you are relaxed and open to new ways of seeing. You will be triumphant and then some. Give your mate or man du jour the benefit of the doubt if tensions run high.

Virgo (August 24-September 23): A friend or mate may not understand why you are taking a long time to recover from a disappointment or setback. Virgos do not like to be rushed when it comes to nursing wounds. Talk, write, work out, cry; feel what you need to feel. Come to think of it, wallow if you want to. Just because Virgo has a tendency to be stoic and reserved doesn’t mean her feelings aren’t intense. Meanwhile, your creativity at work attracts followers and you consolidate power.

Libra (September 24-October 23): “A woman has to wear lipstick. I feel positively naked without it,” Joan Crawford says to Jack Palance in “Sudden Fear.” Do take time to look good. For example, if you are working from home or doing a phone interview for a job, dress up and you’ll be surprised at the confidence you gain. Attached Libras: Recall what it was that made you realize he was the one. Write it down, plant a lipsticked kiss (see, Joan was on to something) on the paper and hand it over. Single Libras: A guy who doesn’t treat you like a gift is a guy you need to regift!
