Honey, your October horoscope is here …

Rita Hayworth

Rachel McAdams

Fate reigns supreme in film noir, but that doesn’t mean we don’t love us some zodiac fun. Hope your October is full of frighteningly good times. And happy birthday, Libra and Scorpio! A special shout-out and remembrances to A-list Libras Clive Owen (Oct. 3), Kate Winslet (Oct. 5), Carole Lombard (Oct. 6), Rachel McAdams (Oct. 7), Elmore Leonard (Oct. 11), Rita Hayworth (Oct. 17), Viggo Mortensen (Oct. 20), Catherine Deneuve (Oct. 22) and mold-breaking Scorpios Julia Roberts (Oct. 28) and Truman Capote and Louis Malle (both Oct. 30).

Libra (September 24-October 23): An investment pays off in a surprising way, which is especially lovely if you happen to be celebrating your birthday. It’s good to be a material girl, no? The world of money and finance can be navigated, just stick with it, even if it’s not your cup of tea. A friend may approach with an idea for a shared adventure and your artistic eye takes it to another level.  Prepare for excitement! On the work front, be daring, especially on 5th – you may be on the cusp of a major innovation. On the romantic front, let yourself be wicked – as often as possible!

Scorpio (October 24-November 22): Sometimes Scorpio has a tendency to be jealous. For the most part, that’s a tendency to be curbed. However, jealousy can stem from a need to protect yourself. So, if the feeling flares up, don’t automatically dismiss it. Instead, let yourself feel and really examine it – is it specific to the present situation or could it be triggered by something in your past, maybe your distant past? What are your stories around this emotion? As you explore, you will gain strength and confidence, making you even more irresistible than usual. Be ready for heady romance midmonth and perhaps some terrific birthday surprises near the end of the month.

Gloria Grahame

Sagittarius (November 23-December 22): In 1952’s “Macao,” Brad Dexter tells Gloria Grahame, “Diamonds would only cheapen you.” She replies, ”Yeah. But what a way to be cheapened.” Grahame was a Sag (Nov. 28, 1923 – Oct. 5, 1981) and was never big on convention. Somebody’s gotta break the rules, might as well be you. Though it is your nature to give freely, remember that not everyone is wired that way so if an offer comes your way midmonth, be sure to examine whether there are strings attached that might not be apparent at first glance. On the 21st, surrender to pleasure.

Capricorn (December 23-January 20): Try going back in time this month and writing a letter, you know, a penned missive that you drop in the post. Don’t feel up to a racy, no-holds-barred love letter? Write to yourself and outline a dastardly fantasy, wicked plans for Devil’s Night, a scheme to take over the world or your workplace. And take note, pun intended, of this advice from Vogue’s Book of Etiquette, 1948: “Avoid crinkly, bumpy paper; it is hard to write on and can look very ‘arty.’” The tome also condemns colored paper, such as fuchsia and chartreuse. Be grateful things have loosened up a bit in the last 63 years and start scribbling. Make decadence a priority at least once a week.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19): A bothersome situation calls for decisive action. Brandish a big old kitchen knife, boss anyone who gets in your way and feel the power! You’re good at being in charge, it’s a gift that should be cherished, not hidden. Then get your aggressions out on a hapless pumpkin. You may hit a rough patch with someone in your inner circle, perhaps a lover or Sig Oth. Don’t rush through this or look for a quick fix – it will, in the end, bring you closer. Definitely choose trick if given a choice.

Pisces (February 20-March 20): A fiendish impulse overtakes you on the 6th. By all means, follow it! Then, in honor of Halloween, invite a few of your friends over so you can lead them astray. Pour some Chianti, watch “The Silence of the Lambs” and gorge on candy. At work, remember that overnight sensations are few and far between. More often, major success is the result of patience and perseverance. Whatever you do, don’t give up! The 12th and 21st will be lucky days.

Aries (March 21-April 20): As Halloween approaches, Destiny is on your doorstep. There’s really not much you can do, so why fight it? Instead, invite Fate in, mix some martinis, try to make small talk. True, you may be screwed but if that’s the case, there are bound to be some fun fireworks first. And more than likely Fate has bigger and better plans for you – like a slew of good luck and winning the lottery. You should probably start packing for the south of France as soon as you finish your yummy cocktail. Anyway, the point is: relax and don’t resist any situation this month. The 14th will be a romantic night to remember.

Taurus (April 21-May 21): Having trouble choosing a costume? Choose the one that’s most daring and shows off your best features. Then find ways to wear it more than once and why rule out the gym or grocery store? 😉 People take life entirely too seriously. Make it your goal to mix it up this month and vary your routine, especially when it comes to your love life. Your creativity may inspire a friend who’s stuck in a rut. Weigh options carefully on the 18th.

Gemini (May 22-June 21): “I lied. I felt like lying so I did,” says Joan Crawford ever so nonchalantly in “Possessed” from 1947. What harm can a few little white ones do? You can always reform on Nov. 1. And of course always, no matter what the date, do only what you feel like doing. If by some strange chance, you are afflicted with notions of goodness, kindness or altruism, rest assured that a long overdue visit with a close friend and fellow femme fatale will ground you right where you belong – on the deliciously dark side.

Vincent Price

Cancer (June 22-July 23): “I don’t play monsters. I play men besieged by fate and out for revenge,” said the inimitable Vincent Price (May 27, 1911 – Oct. 25, 1993). As you ponder whether is revenge really worth it, you may come to the considered conclusion, “Hell, yes!”  Of course, there is something to be said for that living well theory, especially if it involves an elegant dinner or perhaps a shopping binge. Your calendar suddenly fills up very quickly so trust that you will have somewhere to wear that new LBD.

Leo (July 24-August 23): Feeling overwhelmed? Well, no one ever said that treachery, entrapment and general bad-girlness wasn’t a time suck. Hair and makeup alone consume precious slots in your schedule. Make a master list of everything you’d like to accomplish, prioritize, set deadlines and don’t look back! If you can’t get to everything or have to knock a few items off the list, don’t feel guilty. Better to complete a few really flawless seductions than to fritter your energy away on endless flirtations. But rest assured you will be irresistible when you decide to turn on the charm. On the 7th, there may be extra cash in your pocket.

Virgo (August 24-September 23): You may encounter sudden resistance or abrupt withdrawal from a contributor to an important work or creative project. Frankly, it’s rather shocking for you. So, you fret: Did I say the wrong thing? Was page 47 of my report slightly creased? Was it wrong to wear fish-nets and thigh-high boots to our last meeting? No, no and no! Unless of course the fish-nets were drafty and you caught a chill. Don’t overthink this or take it personally. The project will go on and may even improve as a result of this development. And good God, if all that stress doesn’t justify a little romantic fling, I don’t know what does.
