Zúñiga tribute opens and arts·meme marks another year

Tonya Plank, Film Noir Blonde and Debra Levine at the event.

On Saturday, I attended an elegant and lively double-bill soiree: the opening of Francisco Zúñiga: A Centennial Tribute at Jack Rutberg Fine Arts in Los Angeles and an anniversary party for the always-inspiring arts·meme blog, founded five years ago by Debra Levine.

Debra is a former dancer whose grace and poise extends to her writing as well to welcoming guests. She has the old-school and thoroughly charming notion that partygoers might enjoy being introduced to one another. Imagine! There were many to greet on Saturday and Debra did the job nimbly, flitting from person to person, smiling brilliantly, flirting sometimes, briefly quizzing, then nodding, pondering and promising to give her considered reply later on.

There is another arrival and, as always, party clocks shoo the minutes into a lovely over-too-fast blur. Meshuga, she often calls herself. Those who know her call her savvy, sharp, insightful and delightful. Thank you, Debra, for a wonderful party and happy anniversary to arts·meme.

Francisco Zúñiga: A Centennial Tribute at Jack Rutberg Fine Arts runs through July 31.
